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Education Is The Silver Bullet

by David W. Schaible

If you're really into online marketing as I am then you've noticed the number of new products coming out by the truck load lately each and every week?

I love internet marketing so much that I'm constantly on a mission to weed through all of the products and tools just to find the nuggets of information worthy of your and my consideration.

That reason in itself had a lot to do with why I created Net Business Ventures.

Let me tell you something ... finding the right products and information is far from enough.

Let me explain,

Software, eBooks, webinars, membership sites or the latest tool is just that ... tools.

You need to know how to use the tool correctly to achieve success.

If you're just starting out or even if you've been at it for some time, you absolutely must focus your ongoing efforts on getting more educated because you need more than just another piece of software, ebook, webinar or tool.

You can't just say, "I'm going to quit my stinkin job and be an Internet Marketer" or I'm going to buy Mr. X's course and do affiliate marketing" and expect to be successful.

If you want to be successful at ANY online or offline venture then you HAVE to learn how it works, where to find good affiliate programs to promote, how to do keyword research, how to find and pick a niche market that people are actually interested in buying products from and so much more that I don't have room to discuss in this article.

If you don't take the time to educate yourself, you're going to go into it with false hope and ambition and six months or a year later and x amount of dollars later, you're going to become bewildered, burned out and bitter.

You'll then go out into the World spreading all kinds of nastyness about what a crock of *#@! Internet Marketing is and how all the producers of the products and services are all a bunch of liars and thieves.

Now granted, there are plenty of these kind of shady marketing so and so's out there.

As the chief editor at Net Business Ventures it's my job to help steer you clear of these problem.

We've got your back, so I hope you'll be back.

Remember ... without the knowledge to employ these tools and secrets then they would be just tools and secrets.

I'd like to end by saying this, never stop learning and remember that education is the silver bullet!

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Wishing you the best and success,

-The Net Business Venture Editor.

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